Hebei stainless steel road name brand processing custom factory analysis hardware cutting tool devel 
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The cutting tool is the productivity in the machining process, the concept of "not consumables have formed a consensus in the developed countries, the proportion of cutting tool consumption in the manufacturing cost of up to 3% ~ 4%. in Germany and the United States, Japan and other manufacturing power, modern CNC machine tool, and mutual coordinated and balanced development of the law is very clear.
The majority of enterprises Chinese manufacturing still rely on cheap labor as the main means of reducing costs, and less attention by improved processing methods to improve the efficiency to save costs, so China manufacturing tool consumption level is generally low, accounting for only 1% of the manufacturing cost of ~ 2%. in developed countries regard the development as an important tool to improve the efficiency of modern means the competitiveness of manufacturing industry under the condition of Chinese manufacturing industry is still in the lower level, it has become one of the bottleneck of development of manufacturing industry China.

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